Etymology Adventures

Language is a beautiful, ever-changing window into the soul.
Let’s seek to understand those of different cultures, those who have gone
before us, and ourselves through our words and our stories.

Retelling Journey to the West

Join me as I try to retell Journey to the West in preparation for the new Black Myth: Wukong video game, and talk about difficulties and decisions in translation.

Piano no Mori

Come along on the journey of two boys learning the play the piano, exploring their friendship and the origins of many, many kanji along the way. On hiatus.


Looking for a low-commitment bit of learning or a quick escape while sitting on the toilet? You’re in the right place.

Alphabet Animals

When in a new place, why come up your own words when the native population already have words ripe for the borrowing?

Boy, by Roald Dahl

One sentence from Boy is a microcosm into some of the quirks of English, and where they come from.