Lotus Lantern Script: Part 1

NARRATOR: This is an ancient folktale.
Heaven’s Madam Sansheng fell in love with a mortal scholar named Liu Yanchang. She ignored her older brother Erlang‘s opposition and decided to go to the human world to search for the Xingfu (happiness and good fortune) of human life. This is where the story begins. 

A small boat floats on the water
CHENXIANG: Mom, why do you carry the lotus lantern with you day and night?
CHENXIANG throws lotus roots and seeds onto the boat: Mom, here you go. 
The Lotus Lantern falls over from the rocking of the boat.
SANSHENG: Careful!
CHENXIANG: Mom, the lotus lantern lit up just now!
CHENXIANG: Mom, don’t you want the lantern to light up?
SANSHENG: No. Mom does want the lantern to light up. But not right now. This lantern isn’t an ordinary lantern.
CHENXIANG: Then… it’s...
SANSHENG: It is a magical lantern.
CHENXIANG: A magical lantern? Why is it magical?
SANSHENG: Because… because bad people are afraid of it. Because it can bring Xingfu to good people.
CHENXIANG: Mom, what is Xingfu?
SANSHENG: Xingfu is like... like Chenxiang and Mom being together.
CHENXIANG: Oh, I get it. I’m happiest when I’m with Mom. 
SANSHENG: That’s right.
CHENXIANG: So Xingfu is when Mom and I are together.
CHENXIANG: Mom, then we’ll make the lantern light up forever. I want to be with Mom forever. We’ll have Xingfu forever.

Chenxiang is taken by the vulture.
CHENXIANG: Ah! Mom! Mom! Mom!
SANSHENG: Ah. Chenxiang! 

Sansheng meets with Erlang
ERLANG: Third (younger) sister, you’ve finally come.  
SANSHENG: I’ve come to find my son.
CHENXIANG: Mom! I want my mom! Mom!
SANSHENG : Second (older) brother, give Chenxiang back to me.
ERLANG: Back to you? Do you even know where you are?
SANSHENG : Of course I know. This is the cold and heartless palace of Heaven. 
ERLANG: Third sister, stop being so stubborn in your backwards ways. You broke heaven’s laws when you went down to earth. You must be punished.
SANSHENG: I just wanted to live an ordinary life. This has nothing to do with Chenxiang!
ERLANG: Chenxiang? Chenxiang is a product of evil. 
SANSHENG: Second brother, don’t forget how you came into this world. Our mother, she also just wanted the Xingfu of human life
ERLANG : Don’t bring up the past anymore. 
SANSHENG: But Chenxiang’s father is already dead. You have the heart to let him become a motherless orphan?
ERLANG: A crime worthy of death cannot be tolerated by the law of heaven.
SANSHENG: Law of heaven? Hmph. Separating flesh and blood from their families is the law of heaven? 
ERLANG: Nothing you say now will make any difference. Give up the lotus lantern and accept your punishment. Or else… or else.
SANSHENG: Second brother. From a sister to a brother I beg you just give Chenxiang back to me. No matter what happens to me after this I will never cause trouble for you again.  
ERLANG: Impossible. 
SANSHENG: Don’t push me past my limit. 
ERLANG: It’s not me pushing you. You brought this on yourself when you decided not to be an immortal and ran off to be a human. 
SANSHENG: Human! As long as you give my child back to me you can be immortal and I can be human - we’ll have nothing to do with each other from now on! 
ERLANG: Third sister, listen closely. Whose voice is that?
CHENXIANG: Mom! Mom! Mom!
SANSHENG: Chenxiang…
CHENXIANG: I want my mom! Mom! 
ERLANG: Third sister, have a heart for Chenxiang. Blow out your light. Accept Heaven’s punishment. No matter what happens between us, Chenxiang is my nephew. He also has an immortal’s fate. I will take good care of him.
CHENXIANG: Mom! Mom! Mom! 

At Erlang’s palace
ERLANG: Here, Chenxiang. Put this on. 
CHENXIANG: Huh? How do you know my name? 
ERLANG: I’m your uncle [on your mother’s side].
ERLANG: I’ve been looking for you two for seven years. 
CHENXIANG: If you’re really my uncle, why didn’t my mom ever tell me?
ERLANG: That’s right, why did your mom never tell you?
CHENXIANG: You’re in immortal. Does that mean my mom is also an immortal? 
ERLANG: Yes. She is. 
CHENXIANG: Uncle, do you know where my mom is? 
ERLANG: Your mom… Chenxiang, forget about your mom. You’ll live with your uncle in heaven from now on.
CHENXIANG: No! I don’t want to live in heaven! I want to go home! I want my mom!
ERLANG: Don’t talk about your mom anymore. She’s not coming to see you. 
CHENXIANG: No! No way! There’s no way my mom left me! She’s just waiting for me to go home. 
ERLANG: Chenxiang. Your mom isn’t in the mortal world anymore [insinuating that she’s dead].  
ERLANG: She broke the law of heaven. And received the punishment of heaven. 
CHENXIANG: Uncle! You’ll take me to see my mom, right? Tell me, uncle! 
ERLANG: You’ll never see her again. 
CHENXIANG: No! I will definitely see my mom!

CHENXIANG: Mom! Moooooom!

Little monkey comes alive.
CHENXIANG: Little monkey?

Tudi appears. 
TUDI: Achoo! 
CHENXIANG: Grandfather, who are you?
TUDI: You don’t know me, do you? But I know you! Your name is Chenxiang!
CHENXIANG: Grandfather, are you hurt?
TUDI: Don’t worry, don’t worry. I’m fine. I’m old, I don’t move like I used to.
CHENXIANG: Grandfather, how do you know me? Are you my uncle too?
TUDI: Look at this beard I’ve got. Do you think I can be your uncle? Your uncle’s grandpa would be more like it. 
TUDI: I am Grandpa Tudi (god that watches over a piece of land)… I guess you’d say I’m an immortal. I can look forward a hundred years, and look backward a hundred years. 
CHENXIANG: Then, do you know where my mom is?
TUDI: Achoo! I’m so happy to see you that my old habit is back. Come with me, let me show you around.
This painting shows Erlang’s 72 transformations. 
This painting shows Erlang narrow victory as a true general.
CHENXIANG: I don’t like him!
TUDI: To tell you the truth, I don’t like him either. 
CHENXIANG: Grandpa Tudi, tell me! Where is my mom? 
TUDI: It’s not that I don’t want to tell you, but if I reveal Heaven’s secrets I could lose this old noggin.
TUDI: This one depicts the story of Tang Seng’s journey to the west.
CHENXIANG: Who is that?
TUDI: That is Sun Wukong! He erected this flag on Huaguo Mountain that says Great Sage, Equal to Heaven. When the Jade Emperor sent people to capture him, he slaughtered them all!
CHENXIANG: Sun Wukong, he fought my uncle before?
TUDI: They say your uncle can’t defeat Sun Wukong. But the Lord of Dao deceived him with the Yinyang Hoop and the Sky Hound snuck up and ambushed him. And so they captured Sun Wukong.   
CHENXIANG: Hmph! My uncle cheated! And then?
TUDI: And then… come with me. This way. And then, since Sun Wukong broke the law of heaven, he was put under Five Phases Mountain. 
CHENXIANG: He was put under a mountain for breaking the law of heaven? My uncle said… my mom broke the law of heaven. Does that mean she got put under a mountain too? What do you say, Grandpa Tudi?
TUDI: Hehe, smart kid.
CHENXIANG: That means my mom isn’t dead!
TUDI: She’s under Hua Mountain, sentenced never to leave. This is all stuff you figured it out yourself, I didn’t tell you anything!
CHENXIANG: My uncle lied to me!
TUDI: Don’t talk like that, don’t talk like that.
CHENXIANG: I have to save my mom. Grandpa Tudi, tell me! How do I save my mom?
TUDI: This, I can’t help you with this.
CHENXIANG: Because it’s a secret? 
TUDI: No, this isn’t some secret. I just don’t have that kind of power. But you can go find Sun Wukong. His power is limitless. I’m sure he’ll be able to help you.
CHENXIANG: Is Sun Wukong still under Five Phases Mountain? 
TUDI: No, that was a long time ago. After that he accompanied Tang Seng to retrieve the scripture from the west. He’s attained enlightenment and become a Buddha.
CHENXIANG: Grandpa Tudi, where do I find Sun Wukong?
TUDI: Sighs He’s difficult to find. Once you’ve become a Buddha, you’re everywhere and nowhere. If he’s here or there, who knows if he’s anywhere? 
CHENXIANG: It doesn’t matter where he is! I’ll definitely find him! 
TUDI: There’s a trick. Come here, let me tell you a spell. Here. Oh, no. Someone’s coming! 
CHENXIANG: Wait! Grandpa.
TUDI: Don’t forget! Only Sun Wukong can help you save your mom! 

At night in his bed
CHENXIANG: Mom, where are you? Mom, I promise to find you. Huh? When the spirit’s complete, the golden stone opens. Little monkey, do you understand it? Monkey nods, then shakes head. Do you understand it or not? Monkey shakes head vigorously. The lantern chimes in the distance. Huh? The lotus lantern! It’s Mom’s lotus lantern!

In the treasury
STATUE1: Haha! There’s a thief!
CHENXIANG: I’m not a thief. This belongs to my mom!
STATUE1: Everything here belongs to Erlang. Even we belong to Erlang. 
STATUE2: That’s right. We should thank you. If no one ever comes to steal, we would never come alive.
STATUE1: We’ve stood here for over a thousand years. It’s been so lonely.

Chenxiang throws coins 
CHENXIANG: I’ll get you with this! Take that! And that!  
STATUE2: laughs I’m itchy too! Do me next!
STATUE1: mumbling Where’d he go?
STATUE2: Where did that kid go?
STATUE2: Kid! Come out! Play with us properly!
STATUE1: Kid, come out!
STATUE1 captures Chenxiang: Come on, give the lotus lantern back. If Erlang finds out and blames us, we’re both done for.
CHENXIANG: No! The lotus lantern was my mom’s! Erlang took it! Erlang is the real thief. 
STATUE1: This kid! You dare insult Erlang? Do you want to see what its like to be squished flat?
STATUE1: What? That tickles! 
CHENXIANG catches little monkey: Little monkey!

Chenxiang escapes the treasury.
GUARDS: There’s a thief! A thief!
There he is! 
Get him, quick!

Ganmei pulls Chenxiang into the shadows
GUARDS: Where did he go?
GUARDS: There! After him! Don’t let him get away!
CHENXIANG: Who are you?
GANMEI: I’m Ganmei.
CHENXIANG: Are you an immortal too? 
GANMEI: No. I’m a human. 
CHENXIANG: A human? There are humans in heaven’s palaces?
GANMEI: You’re a human too! 
CHENXIANG: They captured me and brought me up here. Oh! You were captured too? Ganmei, why did they capture you? 
GANMEI: So they can make us carve the statue. 
CHENXIANG: What statue? 
GANMEI: A statue of Erlang!
CHENXIANG: Hmph! My uncle again!
GANMEI: My home is at the foot of Xiqi Mountain. My dad is the chief of the tribe. On top of Xiqi Mountain, there’s a big, big rock. My dad said it was a magical rock leftover from when Nuwa fixed the sky. But Erlang tried to make us carve the stone into a statue of him. My dad refused, so Erlang sent a natural disaster to kill my entire tribe.

CHIEF: Everyone run!
GANMEI: Ahhh!!
CHIEF: My baby!
GANMEI: Dad! Dad!
CHIEF: Ganmei!
ERLANG: Listen well. If you don’t finish carving that statue, you can forget about ever seeing her again. 
CHENXIANG: My uncle is evil! I’m going to find Sun Wukong, get strong, and defeat him!
GUARD: That’s where you were hiding! Get him!
GANMEI: Chenxiang, come with me!
CHENXIANG: A dead end!
GUARD: Let’s see where you can run now?
GANMEI: Chenxiang, it’s dangerous! Come down!
CHENXIANG: Ganmei, we’ll meet again someday! 
TUDI: Chenxiang! Wait for me! Wait for me!

A man with a Daoist banner walks by.
DAOIST to himself: Walking along, going here and there, learning nothing but it doesn’t matter. People don’t need the truth anyway, they just want a tongue that compliments. Flatter people until their legs give out, stuff the tiger’s mouth full of oil. Everywhere I go I make my living somehow, playing tricks is what I’m best at.  
DAOIST: Kid, get out of the way. Don’t block the road. 
CHENXIANG: Uncle, can I ask… 
DAOIST: Who’s your uncle? Huh? I am the master of the Nine Circumferences, the Four Directions, the Eight Faces, the ghost-busting, demon-slaying Daoist Master! 
CHENXIANG: Your name is too long.
DAOIST: You can just call me Daoist Master then. 
CHENXIANG: Daoist Master, I want to ask about someone. 
DAOIST: Kid these days have no manners. He wants to ask the Daoist Master for information just like that. Let me tell you, my information isn’t free!
CHENXIANG: But, I don’t have any money.
DAOIST: Then… Do you have anything good on you? 
CHENXIANG: I only have a lotus lantern that doesn’t light. But I can’t give that to you. 
DAOIST: Let me see that. Some kind of junk!
CHENXIANG: Don’t talk about my mom’s lantern that way! 
DAOIST: This monkey’s not bad. 
CHENXIANG: He’s my friend! 
DAOIST: Well, alright kid. I’m not that stingy. Who did you want to ask about?
CHENXIANG: Do you know Sun Wukong?
DAOIST: Sun Wukong? Why are you looking for him? 
CHENXIANG: I want to ask him to help me save my mom.
DAOIST: Oh. What happened to your mom?
CHENXIANG: She got put under Hua Mountain. Ah. So you don’t know Sun Wukong?
DAOIST: I know him, of course I know him! I’m his master.
CHENXIANG: You’re a liar! Sun Wukong’s master is Tang Seng! 
DAOIST: Ah, kid. You only know part of the story. Think about it. When Sun Wukong became Tang Seng’s disciple, that was already after he had been put under Five Phases Mountain. What about before that?
DAOIST: His master before that was me. All those powers he had? I taught those to him. Hey!
CHENXIANG: Little monkey, don’t make a fuss. Daoist Master, then you must know where Sun Wukong is. Can you tell me? 
DAOIST: Dummy. Now that you’ve met me, why do you need Sun Wukong? Today’s your lucky day. I’ll teach you a technique for going through mountains, and then you can go into the mountain and rescue your mom. 
CHENXIANG: For real?
DAOIST: What do you mean, for real? Real or fake, fake or real, who’s to know? Just try it and you’ll see. Come here, come here. Stand up straight, close your eyes, I’ll teach you the magic words. Mutters mantra. You try. 
CHENXIANG: ...an.. Um. It’s too hard to say!
DAOIST: Aiya, what’s so hard about it? It’s just “anbanilaimeng”? 
CHENXIANG: Oh. “An ba ni lai meng.” 
DAOIST: Yes, that’s right. Exactly. Now lower your head, turn around. Now you can go right through the mountain. 
CHENXIANG: Little monkey, don’t fuss! Soon I’ll have a power that will let me rescue my mom! 
DAOIST: That’s right, little monkey. Don’t fuss. Let’s sit back and watch the show. 
CHENXIANG: Mom, I’m coming to save you! 
DAOIST: laughs I called you dumb, and you really are dumb. You’re dumb but I’m not! Now I’ve got myself a monkey. See ya! 
mutters Walking along, going here and there, learning nothing but it doesn’t matter. People don’t need the truth anyway, they just want a tongue that compliments. Flatter people until their legs give out, stuff the tiger’s mouth full of oil.

A strange woman appears.
CHENXIANG: Who are you?
WOMAN: Hey. Chenxiang! 
CHENXIANG: How do you know my name?
WOMAN: Not only do I know your name, I also know about that lotus lantern you’re holding. Come on, let me take a look at it. 
CHENXIANG: No! I‘m in a hurry. 
WOMAN: Chenxiang, stop right there! Chenxiang! Don’t run. This stick is just in my way. After him, after him, I can’t catch him. Change! Change! Awoooo!

In town, Chenxiang helps an old woman who falls
CHENXIANG: Grandmother, are you okay?
OLD WOMAN: Thank you child. What a good child. Here, here, eat up, eat up. 
CHENXIANG: Thank you grandmother!
OLD WOMAN: No need to thank me.

DAOIST: Come one come all, the show’s about to start! Watch this little monkey perform all kinds of tricks! 
GIRL: Mom, the monkey is panting. 
BYSTANDER: Isn’t this a bit cruel?
BYSTANDER2: This is too cruel.

CHENXIANG: Little monkey!
DAOIST: Come on everyone, if you’ve got the money, show me the goods! Do people with no money get a show? Hehe, thank you!
CHENXIANG: That’s my monkey!
DAOIST: Who’s kid is this? Who’s in charge of this kid? 
CHENXIANG: You stole my monkey, and now you’re a liar! 
CHENXIANG: Little monkey! I’ve missed you! 
DAOIST: Ruining a good thing I’ve got going. 
DAOIST: Have a taste of this!
OFFICIAL: What is this! What’s going on!

SONG: The spring wind fills the distance between us
The summer rain soaks through the lonely eaves
In autumn nights, red leaves fall in longing 
Winter snows, another year has passed by

I’ll miss you for another 365 days
I’ll listen to our favorite song
Tears keep falling onto my smiling face if I’m not careful
Suddenly it feels like you aren’t too far

In my arms there’s the warmth of your tight embrace
In my eyes there’s your smile and your pain
In my heart are the stories you’ve told me
In my dreams you are on your way home

I’ll miss you for another 365 days
I’ll read every word of comfort you’ve written
Love binds us together in a circle
I can feel the warmth and coolness of you.

I’ll miss you for another 365 days
The ocean can probably see further than me
Love a rope unbroken connecting two hearts
In my joy and sorrow, I feel you envelop me

In my arms there’s the warmth of your tight embrace
In my eyes there’s your smile and your pain
In my heart are the stories you’ve told me
In my dreams you are on your way home

In my dreams you are on your way home

Part 2

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