Lotus Lantern Script: Part 2

Little monkey almost falls over the waterfall
CHENXIANG: Little monkey!

Tudi finds Sun Wukong in the desert
TUDI: Great Sage! Great Sage! Where in the world are you hiding?
WUKONG: Hehehehe! 
TUDI: Ow! That hurt, you monkey! 
WUKONG: Old man, what are you yelling about?
TUDI: Jeez, Great Sage. I’ve struggled so much looking for you! 
WUKONG: Struggle is how you know yourself, and how you reach enlightenment. Ha! Why are you looking for me?
TUDI: Isn’t it all for that kid Chenxiang? He’s struggled way more than I have looking for you. My heart hurts to watch him. Great Sage, I know you want to train his endurance, but he’s still a kid! Train him a little and just let it go. 
WUKONG: What’s that? 
TUDI: What if you train him until he’s screwed up from it … achoo! 
WUKONG: Haha, you’ve got the same old habits I see!
TUDI: I’m just happy to see you, when I’m happy I just can’t control it. 
WUKONG: I’m talking about your old habits of being a fool! Why haven’t you improved? It’s been several thousand years and you haven’t changed a bit. Didn’t you give him those eight words? Then what do we have to discuss? 
TUDI: He’s earnest enough already. 
WUKONG: If the body and spirit aren’t ready and the opportunity hasn’t presented itself, you can't force the matter. 
TUDI: But, Great Sage, how can you bear to watch Chenxiang suffer like this? 
WUKONG: Enduring some suffering makes a man, enduring great suffering makes a Buddha. Just look at me - haven’t I become a Buddha through endurance? 
TUDI: I see right through you! Sure, you’ve become a Buddha. You can close both eyes and ignore everything that’s going on! That kid is made of flesh and blood, he can’t take as much nonsense as a stone monkey like you. 
TUDI: Let’s make this clear right now. Are you going to do something about this, or not?
WUKONG: Nope. 
TUDI: If you’re not going to do anything, then I will!
WUKONG: Either way, not doing anything. 
TUDI: I guess Old Tudi here will never become a Buddha, even if I cultivate myself for another 10,000 years. Good riddance, too. I might’ve cultivated a stone-cold heart like yours! 
WUKONG: What did you say?!
TUDI: Achoo! 

In Erlang’s palace
ADVISOR1: Even after all this time, we don’t even know if that Chenxiang kid is alive or dead.
ADVISOR2: What good is he? Our master Erlang fed him and dressed him with the b...b...best... treated him better than a son! Kid has no h...honor at all. 
ADVISOR1: So true. Completely without filial piety. 
ADVISOR2: Where could that kid have run off to?
ADVISOR1: No matter where he goes, he can’t escape the thousand-mile gaze of our master’s magical eye. 
ADVISOR2: Snot-nosed kid, t...thinking he can take on master Erlang. To k..k..kill him would be easy as killing a fly! Ow...
ADVISOR1: Forget about it. Master Erlang doesn’t need to lower himself to a kid’s level. 
ADVISOR2: Just l...l...let him go.

Chenxiang wakes up in a river
CHENXIANG: Little monkey! 

SONG: How beautiful are the stars in the sky
But without you everything seems lifeless
Do you know that I’m missing you
During every lonely night?

I don’t want to see you only in my dreams
Because I love you. I won’t cry anymore.
I don’t want to only miss you in the night
With your love, I believe I can create miracles

I don’t want to see you only in my dreams
Because I love you. I won’t cry anymore.
I don’t want to only miss you in the night
With your love, I believe I can create miracles

The world has already melted in my heart
In my heart

Little monkey runs into the wood.
CHENXIANG: Little monkey, where are you going? Little monkey!
CHENXIANG: Huh? Master?
CHENXIANG: Master! I finally found you!
WUKONG: Emituofuo...
CHENXIANG: Master, my mother’s been put under Hua Mountain for seven years already, I beg you to teach me to fight, so I can defeat my uncle and save my mom! 
WUKONG: You mom, your uncle… these are family matters, why involve me?
CHENXIANG: But... my uncle is Erlang. I know only you can beat him. Back then, if it wasn’t for the Lord of Dao and that evil dog..
WUKONG: Back then? Huh. Back then, there was me, and now, there is no me. Little master, you’ve come at a bad time. 
WUKONG: Little master, I don’t fight anymore. Furthermore, I do not teach people to fight. Go ask someone else.
CHENXIANG: Master! Master! I beg you. You’re the only person in the world who can defeat my uncle. Only you can help me! If I can rescue her, even if I die, I’m willing!
WUKONG: Little master, you’re asking the wrong person. I’ve already escaped the cycle of reincarnation and cultivated righteousness. Matters of life and death have nothing to do with me.
CHENXIANG: Master, you must know the pain of not having a mother! 
WUKONG: I...I do not know.
CHENXIANG: Now I understand. You don’t have a mother. You’ll never understand the pain of losing a mother!
WUKONG: I don’t understand? How do you know I don’t have a mother? Where did I come from if not from a mother? They say I jumped out of a rock, I don’t believe a word of it! She must have offended some monster and been put under some mountain, that must be it! You’ve only been away from your mom for seven years and you talk about this pain and that pain... Since I was born I’ve never seen my mother’s face. Can anyone understand how I feel? If I knew where my mother was, even if I had to empty Heaven, I would save her. 
What are you crying about? You also don’t have a mom? Oh that’s right, you jumped out of a rock too. Right. We’re the same. 

Chenxiang has a Mufasa moment.
CHENXIANG: Mom? Mom! Help me, mom! Mom! 
SANSHENG: Child, you have to understand, no one can do this for you. You can only rely on yourself. Do you understand?
CHENXIANG: But, I am so weak. I can’t defeat Uncle. 
SANSHENG: For a human to overcome a god, you have rely on your wisdom and love. These are things that Heaven lacks. That’s why I came to the mortal world, to find these. My good child, use your heart to find guidance. Use your wisdom to gain power. Mom knows you can do it.
CHENXIANG: I understand, Mom.
SANSHENG: When the lantern lights up again, you will receive divine power, and you’ll be able to triumph over your uncle. 
CHENXIANG: And then I’ll be able to see Mom again!

Wukong is in the woods with little monkey.
WUKONG: Sighs At least you’re like a real monkey. Since I became a Buddha, I don’t even get fleas. Without fleas, I don’t itch, and if I don’t scratch, can I even be called a monkey? Oh, that kid is back. Begins chanting mantra.
CHENXIANG: Master, I’ve come back
WUKONG: Hmm? If you’re going, then go. Why come back? 
CHENXIANG: I’ve come back to ask Master a question. I understand that Master has already been enlightened, and doesn’t want to get involved with mortal problems anymore. 
WUKONG: That’s right. I’ve already jumped out from the Three Realms and am no longer within the Five Phases. 
CHENXIANG: But, destroying evil and upholding justice, other Buddhas can ignore such things, but how can Master ignore such things?
WUKONG: And why is that?
CHENXIANG: Because… because Master is no ordinary Buddha. Points to plaque saying “Victorious Fighting Buddha.”
WUKONG: That’s so. 
CHENXIANG: Because Master is the Victorious Fighting Buddha, there’s no way Master will ignore injustice in the world. And also, Master was born from a stone. The pain of not having a mother, you must understand that better than anyone. 
CHENXIANG: Master, I believe you definitely will help me rescue my mom!
WUKONG: I...I already told you, I don’t teach disciples to fight.
CHENXIANG: I understand now. I can’t rescue my mom by just learning how to fight. 
WUKONG: Hahaha good man, you're smart after all! Old Sun was right about you! I’m helping with this problem of yours for sure! Isn’t it just that Erlang? His demise has finally come! If I don’t beat him 'til his face looks like peach blossoms he’ll never understand why flowers are red! 
CHENXIANG: Master! You... you’ll really take me to be your disciple?
WUKONG: Did I...say that? Hmm? Hahahahaha!
CHENXIANG: Thank you Master! Thank you! Master, can you light this lantern?
WUKONG: No, no. This is a magical lantern. I can’t light it. Lanterns and humans are the same. As the heart of a human doesn’t die, the heart of a lantern doesn’t go out.  
CHENXIANG: The heart of the lantern was destroyed by my uncle. 
WUKONG: The lantern is inside the man; the heart is inside the lantern. If a man’s heart does not die, the lantern’s heart does not go out.
CHENXIANG: Master… why don’t I understand?
WUKONG: Ha! You’ll understand when the time comes. Chenxiang, have you heard of the white horse that went on the journey to the west with me?
CHENXIANG: Oh, yes! Tang Seng’s steed! 
WUKONG: That’s right. The white dragon horse has yet to regain his true form. I will give him to you. He will take you to a huge, burning lake. By the lake, there is a divine stone. You must find a way to push the stone into the burning lake and forge it into an axe. This war axe will help you achieve your heart’s desire.
CHENXIANG: Thank you, Master!
WUKONG: Chenxiang, you must understand in your heart who you’re going up against. He is not to be underestimated.
CHENXIANG: I understand. 
WUKONG: When the spirit’s complete, the golden stone opens. These eight words - memorize them write them upon your heart. 
CHENXIANG: I remember every word that Master says. 
WUKONG: Good! Have a safe journey, Old Sun is off!!

In Erlang’s palace
ERLANG: You can go home. A new chief is needed to complete the sculpting.
GANMEI: Ah, my dad, he...
ERLANG: If it’s not completed in time, the entire tribe will share his fate. 
GANMEI: Dad! Dad!
ELDER: Ganmei, starting today, you are the new chief of our tribe. 
GANMEI: Elder, it’s not that I don’t accept my duty, but, I can’t just lead everyone to their deaths.
ELDER: Sighs Life and death are up to heaven. It’s not in human hands.
GANMEI: Human lives shouldn’t be controlled by Heaven. Okay, since Erlang let me come back here, it’s not up to him anymore.

Chenxiang arrives at the burning lake. 
GANMEI: Chenxiang! Chenxiang, is it really you?
CHENXIANG: It’s Ganmei!
GANMEI: Chenxiang!
GANMEI: Chenxiang, why are you here? I’m not dreaming, am I? 
CHENXIANG: My master Sun Wukong said, if I can push the statue into the burning lake and forge it into an axe, I can take on Erlang. 
GANMEI: Can you do it by yourself? 
CHENXIANG: But I’m like you, I have no choice.
GANMEI: Then we’ll help you. Today is our moon-viewing festival. Come dance with us.

The full moon rises.
ELDER: The sky dog is eating the moon!
CHILD: Mama! Cries
TRIBESMAN: It’s Erlang!
ERLANG: This is your last warning. If you don’t finish the statue in time, your fate will be like that of the moon - left to the dogs.

The tribe pulls the statue toward the lake. 
GANMEI: Chenxiang. Chenxiang. We can’t do it. Chenxiang!
CHENXIANG: I… I want Erlang to see that, in this world, there’s still someone he can’t bully! 
GANMEI: Chenxiang! I want Erlang to see too! You’re not the only one who won’t be bullied in this world! 

Heaven’s forces appear in the sky
ERLANG: Chenxiang. You disobeyed Heaven. Your crime is serious. I can’t spare you.
CHENXIANG: Uncle! You hurt my mom. And you hurt all of these innocent people. I’ve come here today to fight you to the death! 
ERLANG: Come then. Hahahahaha. Let me see what you’ve got.

Chenxiang is holding on by his axe. 
ERLANG: Do you understand now? All life is in my hands.
CHENXIANG: No! Your hands are empty.

Erlang tosses his cape
ERLANG: Go. No matter how much power you have, you can’t escape my Sky-Commanding Cape.  
Chenxiang stands before Erlang.
ERLANG: Where did you get your powers?
CHENXIANG: My master is Sun Wukong!
ERLANG: Sun Wukong?
CHENXIANG: That’s right. But he didn’t teach me to fight. He taught me how to be a person.
ERLANG: Hmph. I don’t believe it. Knowing how to be a person gives you the power to fight a god? 
CHENXIANG: Uncle, humans and gods are equal. Let my mom go and never harm another human again. If you agree, you’ll still be my uncle. Wouldn’t it be best if we could live in harmony?
ERLANG: Worthless words. You’re the same as your mom. You both broke the law of Heaven. You deserve the punishment of Heaven... 

Chenxiang collapses
ERLANG: Well? Chenxiang? If you give me the lotus lantern, and I’ll make your death more… enjoyable.

The lotus lantern chimes
ERLANG: The lotus lantern? Quick! Go get me that lamp!
WUKONG: Freeze!
WUKONG: Emituofuo. 

The lantern infuses Chenxiang with light.
ERLANG: Lantern-spirit fusion?

Chenxiang aims axe at the mountain.
CHENXIANG: Mom! I’m coming!

Sansheng appears.
SANSHENG: Chenxiang!

Wukong throws his staff to become a bridge.
WUKONG: Transform!

Chenxiang and Sansheng embrace. 
WUKONG: Emituofuo!
SANSHENG: My child!
CHENXIANG: Mom! Mom! I’ve already grown up.
WUKONG: Old Sun is off!
TUDI: Achoo!
CHENXIANG: Mom, look!

SONG: Peel back the gloomy clouds - how beautiful is the blue sky. 
I cross mountains and rivers for you, but I can’t see the scenery
I know you can’t help it, every thought is a new dream
But I hope you don’t forget I will always protect you
No matter the storm, with all my heart

When two people shine together, the light is brighter than the stars
I cross mountains and rivers for you, but I can’t see the scenery
I know you have enough courage to spread your love wherever you go
But I hope you don’t forget I will always protect you
From now on there’s no need to wander and search

Love is only a word, I’ll only say it once
I only know how to show you with my actions
I promise you it will endure for a lifetime
Even forever is not too long

Love is only a word, I’ll only say it once
I’m afraid the hearts that hear me will ache
As the time flies by, I’ll search for your shadow
I will try to bring your happiness

Love is only a word, I’ll only say it once
I only know how to show you with my actions
I promise you it will endure for a lifetime
Even forever is not too long

Love is only a word, I’ll only say it once
I’m afraid the hearts that hear me will ache
As the time flies by, I’ll search for your shadow
I will try to bring your happiness

Back to Part 1

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