There are deadlines… and then there are deadlines

Hi. You may have noticed that I took a break from posting between October and February. That’s due to a few reasons.

First, I was focusing on finishing Season 1 of the podcast! If you were unaware, I started a podcast telling and discussing the story of Journey to the West in English. We relate and react to the elements of Chinese culture we encounter in the story, and it’s been super nice connecting with my husband and the occasional friend over these conversations. At the same time, it is definitely a lot of work too. We covered Chapters 1-7 in Season 1, the first major arc of the story, and we’ve had a take a break so that I can catch up in my translation and because…

Second, work got super busy. I traveled for work a ton between September and January, and the evenings that I was home I mostly wanted to lay on the couch and think about nothing (when I wasn’t busy parenting our now 2-year old) because…

Third, we’re going to have another kid. (Yay!) First trimester with a full time job and a toddler was brutal. There were many days where my brain stopped functioning in the early afternoon. There was no way translating and/or podcasting was happening after my son went to bed, because I was in bed myself.

Now, first trimester has passed and I’ve come back to life a bit. We have started recording the podcast again, albeit inconsistently because my energy levels are still intermittent. The plan this season is to cover chapters 8-12. However, we can’t exactly do that until I’ve finished translating these chapters. I am currently finishing up chapter 10. I would love to start releasing this season during my maternity leave this summer, but there’s a lot of translating to do between now and then if we’re going to make that happen. Energy levels also tend to drop again in the third trimester so we’ll see about that. That is self-imposed deadline number 1.

My second deadline is the release date of Black Myth Wukong, the announcement of which was the impetus for me to start this translation project. The game is coming out on August 20th. I’d love to do something to commemorate this game, baby and postpartum energy levels permitting.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on the future of the blog/podcast. 🙂 Bye!

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