18 month Toddler Chinese/English Book Review

Hi everyone, it’s time for our first book review 🙂 These are the books Ro currently loves as an 18-month old bilingual baby. We as parents love these too, but out of all of the many, many books in our house, these are the ones he requests most often. Chinese books Sourcing Chinese board booksContinue reading “18 month Toddler Chinese/English Book Review”

New word: Milk!

Baby Ro has just turned 1, and his babbling has become much more diversified in the last few weeks. We can only decipher one new word though: 奶 (milk), which he consistently says when he’s hungry. In the way of babies, he doubles this word into 奶奶 (paternal grandmother). However, it’s been six months sinceContinue reading “New word: Milk!”