JttW Headcanon: Lotus Lantern

The 1964 and 1998 Journey to the West cartoons weren’t my only experience with animated versions of these beloved characters. Other places they appeared include The Legend of Nezha series, a “prequel” telling of Nezha and Lord Li’s story before they ended up in Heaven trying to capture Sun Wukong, and Lotus Lantern, a “sequel”Continue reading “JttW Headcanon: Lotus Lantern”

Lotus Lantern Script: Part 1

Intro NARRATOR: This is an ancient folktale. Heaven’s Madam Sansheng fell in love with a mortal scholar named Liu Yanchang. She ignored her older brother Erlang‘s opposition and decided to go to the human world to search for the Xingfu (happiness and good fortune) of human life. This is where the story begins. A smallContinue reading “Lotus Lantern Script: Part 1”