Journey to the West – Chapter 6.2

Investigate the situationGuanyin instructs Muzha to 打探消息, literally to scout out news. 打探 is a bit literary and not used much in casual speech, but we often say 打听消息. Go 打听打听 (ask around) to see if there’s any 消息 (news). As they finished conversing, another report came in through the general’s gate: “The Great SageContinue reading “Journey to the West – Chapter 6.2”

New word: Milk!

Baby Ro has just turned 1, and his babbling has become much more diversified in the last few weeks. We can only decipher one new word though: 奶 (milk), which he consistently says when he’s hungry. In the way of babies, he doubles this word into 奶奶 (paternal grandmother). However, it’s been six months sinceContinue reading “New word: Milk!”

Journey to the West – Chapter 5.5

The Steward of Order, in accordance with the edict, completed a detailed investigation and returned to report: “The one who wreaked havoc in Heaven is none other than the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven.” He gave a full recounting of the incidents. The Jade Emperor was furious. He commanded the Four Heavenly Kings, together withContinue reading “Journey to the West – Chapter 5.5”

Baba wins over dada

About 2 weeks after Baby Ro first started saying mama/妈妈, he also started saying baba/爸爸. I have seen some signs that he knows what mama and baba mean, but there are also definitely times when he says them to himself just for fun too. It’s interesting to see that he picked baba instead of dada,Continue reading “Baba wins over dada”

First word!

Baby Ro is nine months old. He has been babbling for a while now, but the other day he looked me straight in the face and said mama! I’d always heard that bilingual children can be late talkers, but mama is pretty much the same in Chinese and English, so it probably doesn’t matter. OnContinue reading “First word!”

Journey to the West – Chapter 5.4

Suddenly, full of pearls and sober, he said to himself, “Shit, that’s bad.1 This time the trouble I’ve caused is bigger than heaven, if the Jade Emperor hears of this that’ll be it for me. I’ve gotta get out of here.2 I might as well go be king down below!” He ran out of DoushuaiContinue reading “Journey to the West – Chapter 5.4”

Journey to the West – Chapter 5.3

Look at them all, their hands going slack, their heads drooping, their eyes closing. One by one they all fell asleep. The Great Sage took his choice of delicacies and tidbits went into the hallway. He settled down next to the urns of wine and ate and drank himself silly. After a while he was full and very drunk.

Two Chinese Americans walk into a bar

I started another project, and this one is one that will last a lifetime. We had a baby! And we are trying to raise him English/Chinese bilingual. Everything I’ve read about raising bilingual children recommends one of two strategies: One Parent One Language, or Minority Language at Home. The problem is that my husband andContinue reading “Two Chinese Americans walk into a bar”

Journey to the West – Chapter 5.1

Short posts are better than no posts! No matter what else he may be, the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven was a monkey.1 He didn’t know what officials’ ranks meant and he didn’t care about salary. He only cared that his title had changed. In the Great Sage Residence, immortals of the two offices attendedContinue reading “Journey to the West – Chapter 5.1”

Journey to the West – Chapter 4.3

Early the next morning, when the Emperor’s court opened, the first to present themselves at the imperial courtyard were Marshal Zhang leading the Imperial Stablemaster and Deputy Stablemaster. “Long live your majesty.1 The new Horses’ Fortune, having objections to the low rank of his position, returned to the Lower Realms yesterday.” As they were speaking,Continue reading “Journey to the West – Chapter 4.3”