Journey to the West – Chapter 4.3

Early the next morning, when the Emperor’s court opened, the first to present themselves at the imperial courtyard were Marshal Zhang leading the Imperial Stablemaster and Deputy Stablemaster. “Long live your majesty.1 The new Horses’ Fortune, having objections to the low rank of his position, returned to the Lower Realms yesterday.” As they were speaking,Continue reading “Journey to the West – Chapter 4.3”

Journey to the West – Chapter 4.2

The Wood Star left a happy Wukong introducing himself to the deputy stablemaster, the assistant stable master, the recordkeeper, the stablehands – officials in positions big and small at the Imperial Stable. He toured the stables and found heavenly horses numbering in the thousands: chestnuts, bays, piebalds, thoroughbreds – each and every one spirited andContinue reading “Journey to the West – Chapter 4.2”

JttW Literal Translation: What does Heaven look like?

Since I am taking a few more liberties translating Chapter 4 than I did previously, I thought it might be kind of fun to take a look at what a literal, direct translation of the description of Heaven in the Journey to the West looks like.1 So, maintaining as much of the original structure andContinue reading “JttW Literal Translation: What does Heaven look like?”

Journey to the West – Chapter 3.5

We turn now to the heavens, to discuss the Most High Sage, the Merciful and Awesome Jade Emperor in the Lingxiao Cloud Palace, who one morning was holding court with his civil and military officials when the immortal Qiu Hongji1 came forth with a report: “Your Majesty, Aoguang, Dragon King of the East Sea, hasContinue reading “Journey to the West – Chapter 3.5”

Journey to the West – Chapter 3.4

The banners were unfurled and drums and gongs rang in celebration. Hundreds of delicacies were prepared, coconut water and grape juice overflowed, and they all feasted for a long time. They continued as before with the military exercises.  The Monkey King appointed the four old monkeys his top advisors. The two red-buttock monkeys he namedContinue reading “Journey to the West – Chapter 3.4”

Journey to the West – Chapter 3.3

stopping hearts and draining bloodIn the text, the Dragon King’s gallbladder fights and heart startles 胆战心惊, while the dragon princes’ spirits take flight and bodies scatter 魂飞魄散. Where do you feel fear? Such power that monkey had! He spun the staff in his hands, feinting and striking in mock battle all the way back toContinue reading “Journey to the West – Chapter 3.3”

Journey to the West – Chapter 3.2

The Monkey King jumped off the bridge, muttered an incantation, and dove right in. The waves parted before him forming a path that lead straight to the bottom of the East Sea.1 About halfway, a yaksha2 on patrol suddenly blocked his way, and said, “You who command the waters, what manner of immortal or godContinue reading “Journey to the West – Chapter 3.2”

Journey to the West – Chapter 3.1

I am experimenting with narration styles in chapters 3 and 4. Click here to learn more. They say that the Handsome Monkey King defeated the Demon Lord of Mayhem and returned victorious with his trophy: the demon king’s big dao. He trained every day in the fighting arts. The other monkeys cut bamboo to makeContinue reading “Journey to the West – Chapter 3.1”

Journey to the West – Chapter 2.4

The patriarch said, “Once you go, nothing good can come of you. In all your violent troublemaking, I forbid you from saying that you are my disciple. I will know if you let even one word slip, and I will skin you and crush your bones. I will banish your spirit to the furthest reachesContinue reading “Journey to the West – Chapter 2.4”

Journey to the West – Chapter 2.3

Wukong’s hair stood on end, he quickly bowed, saying, “Master, in your infinite compassion, please tell me how to avoid these catastrophes. I will never cease to be grateful.” The patriarch said, “It is not difficult, but you are different from others. I cannot teach this to you.” Wukong said, “My head points toward theContinue reading “Journey to the West – Chapter 2.3”